
Christmas tables🎄✨

Now the Christmas table must be set! Both for the big night - of course!🎅✨ - but also for all the other smaller events during December. The scrupulousness of doing something extra at the table and building the atmosphere so that the eyes can wander and be delighted while we enjoy each other to the max.


Glitter, mulled wine, soft colors and candles. Beautiful glasses that reflect the lit candles, delicious linen napkins and fine paper garlands... It is beautiful to use colored glasses on the table and preferably in different colours. It provides coziness and adventure at the same time. It can be both water glasses - new or vintage - or the wine glasses, which break a little with the traditional and give the table a personal touch. It brings to mind jewels and fairy tales when candlelight sparkles through stained glass.


We have many fine linen napkins in the shop. I myself use a nice mix of old and new, and since napkin folding is not my forte, I tie a loose knot, which gives the whole thing a relaxed light and soft feel, while also looking lovely. And then you can add or attach a glitter bow if you want to go a little off the coast 🎀 😜🥳 It's beautiful together with e.g. a delicious linen tablecloth...


It's probably no secret that I like to mix it all: new with old, fine with fun, glitter with nature, colors, materials. I use small vintage side plates together with the beautiful Bitossi plates we have in the shop, enamel spoons with old silver forks. Choose what you like and mix it up! Then you get your very own personal table without having to think about 'style' or fashion. And your guests will love it, because it is both inspiring and it is YOU🤩


- is a must on a set table. I love making a good mix of colored, twisted, white and beeswax candles. It makes the light lively and varied and the table super festive! Fortunately, we have a huge selection in the store and in the webshop. The twisted candles are from a factory in Italy, where they have produced candles for thousands of years (approx.) and our colored candles are hand-dipped in Denmark and dyed through and in pure candle wax. For all our candles, it is important that they burn beautifully and evenly.


I designed our DORA stand myself, inspired by the flower, and it is available in both brass and aluminum and in three different sizes: for crown candles, for Christmas tree candles / candles and for tealights. And they just get more beautiful over time as they patina. In addition, I have also produced beautiful star stands, both for crown candles and Christmas tree candles / candles.🌟✨ They are nice to mix with everything you have, and the small stands are also cute as placemats on the table.


We have managed to get the beautiful, nostalgic paper garlands home in the shop for the table - or the shelf or the windowsill. Many will recognize them from childhood, and several of us have probably inherited a well-used one that is in the Christmas box. Elves, Santas, Lucia girls, gingerbread, star boys. They come in several sizes, so they can probably fit on all tables. So cozy!

For each other and with each other. It's WONDERFUL with guests - I love it! Both to receive and to be invited yourself. See you - I'm looking forward to it!😍

Hey Sarah

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